Week number four was a good one. It got a little tough after the Thursday free day, as its often hard not to take a free day on the weekend. My wife even brought home donuts from work this morning, and the one with white frosting and nuts on it looked -- and still does -- quite yummy. So far I have resisted eating it.
Saturday was a very difficult day to keep my eye on the plan because I was very tired after working Friday night. And considering my wife worked Saturday night, I was afraid I would crash once she went to work. I even went as far to ask my wife if she'd order pizza for dinner, but she said, "You need to keep your eye on the plan." Surely I was irritated by her saying this, but inspired at the same time. It's weak moments like this why it's good to have a partner.
So after she went to work I decided to invite my sister and her new boyfriend over, and instead of crashing we talked sports and watched movies. This was a great way to resist the urge to cheat, which I probably would have done if left alone. (Note: my wife and I have told no one we are on the plan).
By the time they left I was feeling quite inspired, so I ran on the treadmill after the kids were in bed. Gosh, it must have been around 10 p.m. I watched Michigan get beat by Indiana while running. It was my first really good interval run since I got the flu. It felt great. I went to bed feeling satisfied, and happy I didn't crash.
Today the plan is to get a killer upper body workout. I might mix it up a bit.
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